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Michael Levin, MD, PhD, DSc.Pediatric Surgeon, Radiologist.




    Dr. Levin Michael, graduated from the Minsk Medical Institute in 1967. After an internship in pediatric surgery he  worked at the Belarusian center of Pediatric Surgery, in the First Hospital of Minsk as a pediatric surgeon. Since 1975, after professional  training he worked in the same center as pediatric radiologist.

In 1983 he defended his PhD thesis on "Roentgen-functional diagnosis of chronic constipation in children," in which, among other studies, it was shown that all children with anorectal malformations with fistulas on the perineum and vestibule have a functioning anal canal.  On the basis of these studies, he have proposed operation called "anus formation", which allows to keep all elements and muscles of the anal canal to ensure normal function of the fecal continence and defecation after correction.

    In 1989 he defended his doctoral thesis on "X-ray functional diagnosis of acute surgical diseases in children", where the new surgical method for newborns with anorectal malformations without fistula was described.  In addition, the method of x-ray diagnosis of gastro-esophageal reflux disease was developed and it was shown that so-called sliding esophageal hernia is actually extended esophagus due to reflux disease.

    Since 1990, he have been living in Israel and  working in the public medical center in the city of Netanya as radiologist.  Here he continues to research and maintains close ties with the Belarusian Center of Pediatric Surgery of Minsk. Dr. Levin is the author of 11 patents and 153 articles published in the Soviet Union, Russia, Belarus, Israel and the United States.



Аноректальная зона


Желудок, ДПК, желчные                        пути


Патофизиология ГЭРБ

Гипотеза удержания кала и


Кольцо Шацкого

Хронический запор

Патофизиология аноретальных

аномалий. Новое лечение.

Обследование б-ных с ГЭРБ.

Лечение большой таблеткой.

Роль ригидности аноректальной

зоны в патогенезе хрон.запора у детей.

Проксимальный сфинктер


Параэзофагеальная грыжа

2-го типа. Гипотеза

Аноректальные аномалии

без свища

Синдром опущения промежности


Пилорический канал

Дивертикулы ДПК

Сфинктер Одди

Физиология желудка. Гипотеза 

Физиология ДПК

СВБА- гипотеза

Грудная клетка

Диагностика вздутия легких (ID)
Коэффициент проекционного


 Гипотеза мочевыделения

 Роль ригидности детрузора

Переписка с редакцией


Брюшная полость  

Острый аппендицит

СРК -гипотеза

 СРК - случай

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